It would not be realistic – and would risk being boring – to list all that evidence here. However, this section contains information about some of the key research findings, together with selected news items relating to the topics covered on the website.
Find details here of some of the key original research papers informing this website The references given here are selected to provide the research evidence behind the key statements made in this website, especially where they may seem controversial or the research is recent. Copyright restrictions sometimes make it difficult to get hold of original…
Ian St James Roberts, Emeritus Professor of Child Psychology, discusses why some babies cry so much – and have ‘unsoothable’ crying bouts – in the first 3-4 months. A great deal of research has shown that babies who cry a lot in the first few months and fit the colic picture are in good health. But…
The impact of the crying on parents is at least as important as the crying itself. Until recently, the focus in research into infant crying and colic was on the crying and its causes. As evidence grew, it became clear that: Most babies who cried a lot were healthy and developed normally. Babies in…