Make sure you give each approach a few minutes to work, as it can be easy to change too quickly if you are feeling stressed. If the crying still continues after a few minutes, try another
The list below may seem obvious, but checking you’ve tried these things can reassure you the crying is not your fault.
Things to check and try:
You can download a copy of this checklist by clicking here. You can also read and download a list of settling and soothing suggestions from other parents who have had crying babies here.
“I should be able to know why my baby is crying from the sound of the cry”
It’s not possible to know if a baby is in pain, angry or hungry from the crying.
The loudness or intensity of the crying tells you how upset a baby is, but not the reason for it. Parents gradually learn through experience to work out why their baby might be crying e.g. that it is four hours since the last feed, so baby is probably hungry. But, as we’ve said elsewhere, this doesn’t always work!