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Cookies Policy

What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files that are placed on your computer by websites that you visit. They are widely used in order to make websites work, or work more efficiently, as well as to provide information to the owners of the site.

What cookies do we use?

Mandatory cookies
These cookies are essential for us to run our website successfully, so we do not provide you with an option to opt out of these; they are an important part of providing you with an effective service. By visiting our website you consent to us creating and retrieving these cookies.

With most web browsers it is possible to configure your internet browser so that it can disable cookies entirely. How you do this will depend on the internet browser you use; however it will result in our website not operating correctly.

System cookies
These cookies are created each time you visit and are automatically deleted when you leave our website and close your browser. They help with the smooth operation of the website. They also make sure that any selections you make during each browsing session are remembered. The website simply wouldn’t work without these.

Identification cookies
These cookies help us remember who you are when you come back to visit us, improve our customer support to you and allow you to access your favourite journeys through our website.

Cookies to track your cookie preferences
If you express preferences about whether or not to receive certain types of cookie, we’ll use a cookie to store this preference.

Web analytics cookies / marketing effectiveness cookies
These cookies allow us to understand general customer behaviour on; such as which bits of our website customers use, where they exit the site and, if anything goes wrong, where it happens; helping us to make our website better.

We also track how customers find our website, for example which search engine was used or which online adverts were clicked on before visiting us, helping us understands our marketing effectiveness.

Data is anonymised and aggregated so we can monitor trends and count visitors rather than tracking individual customers. They have no impact on what you see on the website and do not store or track any of your personal data.

Cookies for personalising your experience on
These cookies allow us to understand the way you specifically use our website and tailor your experience on For example, by understanding the searches and selections you make on our website, we may be able to show you pages that are more relevant to you. If you have searched for a particular course on our site we may show you related courses.

Cookies for personalising your experience outside of
These cookies allow us to understand your online behaviour and tailor your experience outside of For example; the adverts you see outside of may be specifically targeted to include areas of our website that you have searched for previously.

Cookies for optimising our web content
We sometimes may wish to test a change or new feature on the site to see if it is effective before rolling it out to all of our users. Cookies allow a random sample of site visitors to see it one way, and a different group another and ensure that you consistently get the same visit on repeat visits.

Controlling and deleting cookies
If you wish to restrict or block the cookies which are set by our website, you can do this through your browser settings, guidance and advice on controlling and deleting cookies is available from

If you have any questions please contact us